Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research Issues and questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Issues and questions - Assignment Example The best way to make a student understand is the use of pictorial description. Students can easily learn by watching a movie or pictorial description on the subject. Written tests should be conducted regularly so that students can assess their performance. If they get a lower grade teachers should help them through counselling or any other possible way. Teaching staffs employ methods like pairing students and make them to work as a group. Another method that could be used is pair checking. In this method one student checks another student's work. This improves their capability of grasping the subject. Lectures by visiting professors help in great deal. Seminars should be conducted regularly. Students should be given an opportunity in giving seminars. Presentations play a vital role in seminars. This helps in assessing student's presentation and communication skills. Identifying and nurturing competent ideas in different subject areas, varied classes at different level. Integration of skills needed to life should be incorporated into curriculum, textbooks, instructional materials and teaching-learning and evaluation process. Identifying suitable grade/class for introduction of second language on the basis of analysis of linguistic situation in the state.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Aspects of Practical Crime Scene Investigation Essay

Aspects of Practical Crime Scene Investigation - Essay Example Further, there is no first hand information on how deep the charred carpet, coat or rug were. Such a description could have provided much more information in determining the likely causes of the fire. Further, the notes do not contain any information on the type of material that was used to build the walls or the building in general. a regular house is meant to contain articles of plastic or metal along the path described within the house. As such, in the case of any fire such as in the current instance, objects made of such materials tend to get distorted. There is no mention of any such occurrence which leads one to doubt whether such an angle was even investigated. However, the investigator has chosen to proceed in a specific manner detailing the items described in the notes as they were encountered. Thus the order of the items collected could prove useful in the investigation. There is no mention of any structural damage to the building or the extent of damage to the ceiling, which would have helped establish the extent of the fire. The primary aspect of investigating suspected cases of arson is to identify the location where the fire started. As such, the location of the rug (which might have been used to start the fire) and the bottle containing the suspicious liquid (possibly as a speeding agent) could help establish such a notion. Additionally, it is also necessary to find if there are any other potential causes of the fire that could have occurred in house. In this case, the notes do not provide any information whether there were any inflammable materials in the area or whether any flames such as candles or stoves were being used in the vicinity. As such, all such noticeable and suspicious things can be retrieved for examination. The exhibit JLS-2 contains the piece of rug that survived the fire and is suspected to be the material used to start the fire. Due to the lack of any noticeable

Sunday, October 27, 2019

George Orwell and Langston Hughes

George Orwell and Langston Hughes George Orwell and Langston Hughes Both George Orwell and Langston Hughes had external and internal pressure in their stories. With their stories â€Å"Shooting an elephant† and â€Å"Salvation† this paper will compare and contrast the two authors. This will be done by relating the authors stories to Milgrams Experiment, which was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience. â€Å"Perils of Obedience,† written by Stanley Milgram shows that a majority of society supports authority figure regardless of their own personal ideals. Milgram says to the reader, â€Å"For many people, obedience is a deeply ingrained behavioral tendency, indeed a potent impulse overriding training in ethics, sympathy, and moral conduct† (Milgram). Both Orwell and Hughes provide incidents that support Milgrams findings. Orwells story â€Å"Shooting an Elephant† can be used as an example for Milgrams because Orwell knows he does not have to shoot the elephant, yet he does it anyway. Throughout the story Orwell is increasingly pressured to kill the elephant by the Burmans because the elephant had killed a person. As the story is read one can start to see the connection of Milgrams experiment to Orwell shooting the elephant to save his own life. Orwell can see the rage the Burmans have toward the elephant because it killed a person, and knows he must kill the ele phant to please the Burmans. In this quote, The people expected it of me and I had got to do it: I could feel their two thousand wills pressing me forward, irresistibly† (LMR 143), One can see to force which is pressed upon him. Hughes shows himself as a little boy at a church revival where he show are own behavioral tendencies toward obedience. When Hughes is at this revival his has pressure not only to make everyone in church happy but to also please his aunt by being saved by Jesus. During this time all the adults are going around the church sing different song about being saved so that the children will be saved and as children start to get up he is felling more and more pressure until there is only him Westley. Westley decides to get up and lie just so he could go home. This act gave Hughes a way to be obedient to the church and his aunt. Hughes got up and said he had been saved to so everyone would like him. This story is the perfect example of how a person can have so much pressure that he must be obedient and lie to save himself. Both stories can be said to connect to Milgrams experiment, but only one of the characters could have chosen another way of doing things. While Hughes would no matter what had to have sat up eventually, Orwell did not have to shoot the elephant at all he could have walked away from the whole thing and been fine. Hughes knew that if he did not get up that the church and his aunt would be disappointed. The type of pressure should never be put on a child because they think if they do not do it the way adults want it they will not be loved. Orwell could have been attacked by the burmans but only by shooting his rife in the air would probably get the crowd to disburse. â€Å"The dilemma inherent in submission to authority is ancient, as old as the story of Abraham, and the question of whether one should obey when commands conflict with conscience has been argued by Plato, dramatized in Antigone, and treated to philosophic analysis in almost every historical epoch†(Milgram). With the conflict of obedience so old there is no question as to why George Orwell and Langston Hughes went against their own thoughts and just did what everyone else wanted them to do. Work Cited Milgram, Stanley. The Perils of Obedience. (1974): n. pag. Web. 26 Nov 2009. .

Friday, October 25, 2019

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Essay -- students, academic progre

On January 8, 2002, President George Bush signed into law The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, which was a reauthorization of Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which was designed to help disadvantaged students achieve success in school (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, 2011) The components of The No Child Left Behind included annual testing, academic progress, report cards, teacher qualifications, and funding changes. These measures were â€Å"designed to drive broad gains in student achievement and to hold states and schools more accountable for student progress† (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, 2011, para. 3). NCLB also promised to close the achievement gap and increase student learning (Hursh 2007). By the year 2005-2006, the states were required to assess all students annually in grades 3-8, and these tests had to be aligned with the state standards (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, 2011). In addition, a representative sample of 4th graders and 8th graders had to participate in National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) testing program in order to be compared to other students nationally (Editorial Projects in Education Research Center, 2011). For a school to meet academic progress, certain subgroups and the school has a whole had to make adequate yearly progress. If the school failed to make AYP, then the school could receive supplemental services and parents could send their children to another school. If the school continued to not make AYP, then the school could receive punitive government sanctions. Teachers had to be deemed highly qualified in their subject matter, and school report cards had to be released each year to illustrate student achievement data and scho... ...lenge them as well as help them to learn, the students are able to achieve academic progress. References Dee, B. and Jacob, T.S. (2011). The impact of no child left behind on student achievement. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 30 (3), 418–446. Retrieved from Editorial Projects in Education Research Center. (2011, September 19). Issues A-Z: No Child Left Behind. Education Week. Retrieved from Hursh, D. (2007 September). Exacerbating inequality: The failed promise of the no child left behind act. Race, Ethnicity, and Education.10 (3), 295-308. Retrieved from Tatum, A. (2006) Engaging African-american males in reading. Educational Leadership, 63(5), 44-49.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Earthquake Assignment

Earth Science 1 October 29, 2012 Homework Assignment 1. Explain how you should react or what you should do when you feel an earthquake if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. a) Indoors: I will stay calm and drop to the ground. I will take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. I will hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near me, I will cover my face and head with my arms and crouch in the corner of the building. b) Outdoors: I will move away from building, streetlights, and utility wire. If I’m in the open I will stay there until the shaking stops. c) In a moving vehicle: I will stop as quickly as safety permits and stay in the vehicle. I will avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, overpasses, and utility wires. I will proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. I will avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake. d) Trapped under debris: I will not light a match or move about or kick up dust. I will cover my mouth with a handkerchief or clothing. I will tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate me. I will Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause me to inhale dangerous amounts of dust. 2. What are the main things that you should do after an earthquake hits in the area where you are staying? In particular, discuss what you should do if you find yourself in each of the following scenarios. Do not exceed the space provided. ) Aftershock: When it is safe to move, I will exit my home. I will help my neighbors who may need assistance. I will give first aid when appropriate. I will not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury & call for help. * b) Tsunami: I will go to a designated public shelter if I have been told to evacuate or if I feel it is unsafe to remain in my home. I will text SHELTER + my zip code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest she lter in my area (example: shelter 12345). c) Electrical system damage: I will not stand in water. If safe to do so, I will turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If the situation is unsafe, I will leave my home and call for help. * d) Gas leakages: If I smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing sound, I will open a window and leave immediately. If I can, I will turn off the main gas valve from the outside & call the gas company from a neighbor’s residence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Consequentiality and Deontology

CRG 520 ASSIGMENT THE MOVIE REVIEW ISTANBUL AKU DATANG PREPARED BY: NAME: NURUL HASIKIN BINTI NGAH MATRIC NO: 2011646112 GROUP: AC2204A Istanbul Aku Datang is a movie about a sweet and naive blogger named Dian who travels to Istanbul in plan to make her boyfriend, Azad, a medical student, to propose to her. She enrols in language course in the same university as Azad and in the period of three months, she hopes that her plan on convincing her boyfriend to propose her will be success.Due to the unexpected circumstance that come to her way, Dian have to move out from Azad’s house and rent out another apartment without knowing that the apartment is already tenant. Despite of being cheating and runs out of money, Dian tries out her very best to clear the situation and build a good relationship with the rightful tenant of the house, Harris who is a quirky and shy artist while tries to hide from her boyfriend the truth that she is sharing the apartment with a guy. The stakeholders i n this movie are Dian, Azad and Harris. Dian’s stakes is to ensure that Azad will be her husband.Azad’s stakes is to keep Dian as her girlfriend but not telling her that he got someone else while Harris’s stakes is to stay in the apartment without have to share it with Dian. The main villain in this movie is Azad while the hero and heroine are Dian and Harris respectively. The ethical dilemma of the villain Azad is whether to being honest and tells the truth to Dian that he already have another girlfriend. The ethical dilemma of the hero, Harris is whether to let Dian stay with him with the fact that Dian have been cheated and got no money left to rent another house.The ethical dilemma of the heroine, Dian is whether to being honest to tell Azad that she is actually sharing the same apartment with Harris. Ethical or Moral Issues The ethical or moral issue in the movie is about honesty. The main villain in this movie is not being honest since he is cheating behin d his girlfriend, Dian who is actually very loyal towards him. His egoism have avoid him from telling the truth to Dian and makes excuses to make sure Dian do not stay with him maybe because he is afraid that Dian will knows that he is not being loyal.Dian also do not being honest because she is not explaining the truth is she is sharing a place to stay with Harris. The other ethical issue is sympathy. This issue could be seen by the character of Harris who feels sympathy towards Dian, who get cheated by Saleem. So, he let Dian stays with him even though he do not likes her at first because of some misunderstandings. Harris also feels sympathy towards Dian when Dian knows that Azad is cheating with another woman. He keeps her accompanies and tries to make her happy. The third issue is trustworthiness.This issue could be seen by the character of another Villain which is Saleem. Saleem is the person who cheats Dian to rent out the apartment that already being rented by Harris. He did this for his self-interest to get money easily Consequentalist Point of View Consequentialism is the class of  normative ethical theories  holding that the consequences  of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness of that conduct. Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence.From a consequentialist point of view, the action of Azad who cheating behind his girlfriend is unethical because at the end we can see that because of that action they finally broke up. Furthermore, the consequence of his action causing Dian to feel very sad and broke her pride after an embarrassing fight with his another girlfriend. The action of Saleem is also wrong or unethical because the consequence of his action cause Dian to be in such a harsh situation where she have no money left to rent out another apartment after knowing that the apartment that Saleem rent to her already have a tenant.Deont ology Point of View Deontological ethics  is the  normative ethical  position that judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. Deontology derives the rightness or wrongness of one's conduct from the character of the behaviour itself rather than the outcomes of the conduct. From the deontology point of view, the action of Dian who do not tells Azad that she is sharing the same apartment with Harris is a right action. She did that because she does not want Azad to misunderstand her.Besides, she also wants to please Azad that she already gets a safe place to stay. Plus, she has to do that because she is cheated and it’s not like she is willingly staying with a stranger especially a male. The action of Harris who let someone’s girlfriend stays with him and helps her to hides the matter from her boyfriend is also a right action. This is his action is based on sympathizes and she just want to help her who is helpless that time. Golden RuleThe Golden Rule is an ethical code  or  morality that essentially states either the positive form of Golden Rule or the negative form Golden Rule. Positive form of Golden Rule states that one should treat others as one would like others to treat him while negative form of Golden Rule states that one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. If I were in Azad’s shoes I would not at the first place cheating behind Dian. This is because Azad was very angry and frustrated when she thought that Dian was cheating with Harris.In that case, I should have being loyal and faithful so that Dian will also do the same things to me because I believe if I cheat her, she must be very angry and sad too. Plus, Dian is very loyal and honest to me so there is no such thing that she is being unfaithful. As the villain, I think Azad would be very remorse because he had lied to Dian since Dian finally not choosing him as her future husband. Even though Di an wants to give him second chance Dian finally realised that she actually should have choose Harris who seems to be more honest.As for Saleem, he also must feels guilt for cheating on Dian’s money. He also must be very shame when the real landlord brought him to meet Dian and Harris to explain the truth and return the money back to Dian for justice. Lessons From the movie Istanbul Aku Datang, I have learnt that to build a good relationship with others, we must be very honest about our feeling. If we are honest and sincere in our relationship, the other could feel our sincerity. This is what happens between Dian and Harris. How Harris could ever win over Dian’s heart in a short time if it is not because of his honesty and sincerity.By the time, when he at first let Dian gives Azad the second chance because he is altruistic and want to see Dian happy, he realised that Dian will be happier if Dian with him. So, he runs after Dian and though his eyes, Dian could see the s incerity and causing her to choose Harris instead of Azad. In conclusion, honesty is the best policy. The second thing that I have learnt is we should not take advantages over someone else’s problem for our own self-interest. This is because at the of the day we will get the punishment, either sooner or later because I believe that what goes around comes around. Consequentiality and Deontology CRG 520 ASSIGMENT THE MOVIE REVIEW ISTANBUL AKU DATANG PREPARED BY: NAME: NURUL HASIKIN BINTI NGAH MATRIC NO: 2011646112 GROUP: AC2204A Istanbul Aku Datang is a movie about a sweet and naive blogger named Dian who travels to Istanbul in plan to make her boyfriend, Azad, a medical student, to propose to her. She enrols in language course in the same university as Azad and in the period of three months, she hopes that her plan on convincing her boyfriend to propose her will be success.Due to the unexpected circumstance that come to her way, Dian have to move out from Azad’s house and rent out another apartment without knowing that the apartment is already tenant. Despite of being cheating and runs out of money, Dian tries out her very best to clear the situation and build a good relationship with the rightful tenant of the house, Harris who is a quirky and shy artist while tries to hide from her boyfriend the truth that she is sharing the apartment with a guy. The stakeholders i n this movie are Dian, Azad and Harris. Dian’s stakes is to ensure that Azad will be her husband.Azad’s stakes is to keep Dian as her girlfriend but not telling her that he got someone else while Harris’s stakes is to stay in the apartment without have to share it with Dian. The main villain in this movie is Azad while the hero and heroine are Dian and Harris respectively. The ethical dilemma of the villain Azad is whether to being honest and tells the truth to Dian that he already have another girlfriend. The ethical dilemma of the hero, Harris is whether to let Dian stay with him with the fact that Dian have been cheated and got no money left to rent another house.The ethical dilemma of the heroine, Dian is whether to being honest to tell Azad that she is actually sharing the same apartment with Harris. Ethical or Moral Issues The ethical or moral issue in the movie is about honesty. The main villain in this movie is not being honest since he is cheating behin d his girlfriend, Dian who is actually very loyal towards him. His egoism have avoid him from telling the truth to Dian and makes excuses to make sure Dian do not stay with him maybe because he is afraid that Dian will knows that he is not being loyal.Dian also do not being honest because she is not explaining the truth is she is sharing a place to stay with Harris. The other ethical issue is sympathy. This issue could be seen by the character of Harris who feels sympathy towards Dian, who get cheated by Saleem. So, he let Dian stays with him even though he do not likes her at first because of some misunderstandings. Harris also feels sympathy towards Dian when Dian knows that Azad is cheating with another woman. He keeps her accompanies and tries to make her happy. The third issue is trustworthiness.This issue could be seen by the character of another Villain which is Saleem. Saleem is the person who cheats Dian to rent out the apartment that already being rented by Harris. He did this for his self-interest to get money easily Consequentalist Point of View Consequentialism is the class of  normative ethical theories  holding that the consequences  of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for any judgment about the rightness of that conduct. Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act is one that will produce a good outcome, or consequence.From a consequentialist point of view, the action of Azad who cheating behind his girlfriend is unethical because at the end we can see that because of that action they finally broke up. Furthermore, the consequence of his action causing Dian to feel very sad and broke her pride after an embarrassing fight with his another girlfriend. The action of Saleem is also wrong or unethical because the consequence of his action cause Dian to be in such a harsh situation where she have no money left to rent out another apartment after knowing that the apartment that Saleem rent to her already have a tenant.Deont ology Point of View Deontological ethics  is the  normative ethical  position that judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. Deontology derives the rightness or wrongness of one's conduct from the character of the behaviour itself rather than the outcomes of the conduct. From the deontology point of view, the action of Dian who do not tells Azad that she is sharing the same apartment with Harris is a right action. She did that because she does not want Azad to misunderstand her.Besides, she also wants to please Azad that she already gets a safe place to stay. Plus, she has to do that because she is cheated and it’s not like she is willingly staying with a stranger especially a male. The action of Harris who let someone’s girlfriend stays with him and helps her to hides the matter from her boyfriend is also a right action. This is his action is based on sympathizes and she just want to help her who is helpless that time. Golden RuleThe Golden Rule is an ethical code  or  morality that essentially states either the positive form of Golden Rule or the negative form Golden Rule. Positive form of Golden Rule states that one should treat others as one would like others to treat him while negative form of Golden Rule states that one should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. If I were in Azad’s shoes I would not at the first place cheating behind Dian. This is because Azad was very angry and frustrated when she thought that Dian was cheating with Harris.In that case, I should have being loyal and faithful so that Dian will also do the same things to me because I believe if I cheat her, she must be very angry and sad too. Plus, Dian is very loyal and honest to me so there is no such thing that she is being unfaithful. As the villain, I think Azad would be very remorse because he had lied to Dian since Dian finally not choosing him as her future husband. Even though Di an wants to give him second chance Dian finally realised that she actually should have choose Harris who seems to be more honest.As for Saleem, he also must feels guilt for cheating on Dian’s money. He also must be very shame when the real landlord brought him to meet Dian and Harris to explain the truth and return the money back to Dian for justice. Lessons From the movie Istanbul Aku Datang, I have learnt that to build a good relationship with others, we must be very honest about our feeling. If we are honest and sincere in our relationship, the other could feel our sincerity. This is what happens between Dian and Harris. How Harris could ever win over Dian’s heart in a short time if it is not because of his honesty and sincerity.By the time, when he at first let Dian gives Azad the second chance because he is altruistic and want to see Dian happy, he realised that Dian will be happier if Dian with him. So, he runs after Dian and though his eyes, Dian could see the s incerity and causing her to choose Harris instead of Azad. In conclusion, honesty is the best policy. The second thing that I have learnt is we should not take advantages over someone else’s problem for our own self-interest. This is because at the of the day we will get the punishment, either sooner or later because I believe that what goes around comes around.