Sunday, November 3, 2019

Adjusting to Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Adjusting to Terrorism - Essay Example The U.S Department of Defense defines terrorism as the â€Å"unlawful use of force or violence against person or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives† (Levine, 2001). In the context, it is suggestive that the goal of terrorism may vary, including the possible take over of the terrorists in the administration. The September 11 attack dubbed for serious threat in humanity of the harm those terrorists able to do. Bush administration proposed doctrines in the U.S. Foreign Policy. However, the continuous social mishaps brought by terrorists in certain parts of neighboring countries deny the effectiveness of the policy, which also raised serious questions of its reliance (Eitzen and Zinn, 2004). Proposals to Combat Terrorism Through numerous filed case of terrorists’ attacks, in addressing this issue, could already lead the intellects to come up with the possible strategies and proposal for its combat. Islamic extremists is one of the many possible sources of terrorism, it is suggestive to concentrate on this substance, as to neutralize its current threat. In this type of cold war, military strength and missile shield are not the answer. Overwhelming military and economic dominance did not guarantee protection from nineteen men who hijacked four planes with plastic knives, and turned them into guided missiles (Eitezen and Zinn, 2004). Responding to the similar violent attacks would not benefit any of the fighting forces, but most like likely it will just resume to never-ending violence. In a strict strategic of terrorists, the savage response could be their anticipation to win sympathy and converts to their cause (Lewis, 2001). The most effective way to deal with terrorism is to address its root causes. Social scholars like Stanley Eitzenn and Maxine Baca Zinn, through their work Social Problems, Ninth Edition, (2004) suggested that it’s about time for

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