Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ways That Golding Presents the Island in Lord of the Flies

The Ways That Golding Presents the Island Setting of â€Å"Lord of the Flies† William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies in 1954. It tells the story of a group of young boys who are stranded on a previously uninhabited island with no adults around to save them. Golding used the idea of an island as a blank canvas backdrop in several ways which greatly enhance the effectiveness of the story. The island has no other humans on it, and shows no signs of man ever living there before. The landscape is perfect, and there are many fruit trees and pigs. Golding uses this to represent the Garden of Eden; there is nothing but natural beauty on the island, untouched by humans. Golding also uses the pigs as the forbidden fruit, which once the hunters have†¦show more content†¦The boys’ destruction of the island symbolises man’s destruction of nature. To summarise, Golding is using the island as a microcosm for the outside world as he writes about how the boys use fire against the island and this can symbolise man’s destruction of nature. Golding uses a lot of different techniques throughout the story, but the technique he uses the most is, pathetic fallacy as in the weather, as he uses it in many different place to show the feeling of the boys and the island of what is happening at the time. For example, at Simon’s there is a wild storm going on but there is also a wild dance going on, this could also show how the island is shouting out to the boys to try and make them stop. When Simon is washed out to sea, the weather is very peaceful as if the island is respecting Simon and what he tried to tell theShow MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1200 Words   |  5 Pageswithout rules. The human race will fall apart without a set of rules that apply to them. 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