Tuesday, March 24, 2020

To Accompany Essay Example

To Accompany Paper With the enhancements of technology, global transactions and competition between accountancy firms, professional accountants now provide various consultancy engagements to maintain their competitive advantage. The expanded role of professional accountants has resulted in accountants carrying out tasks which may include risks, management, personnel, consulting investment, controls and investigation. Following recent significant corporate collapses and their relationship to auditors and accountants discharging their responsibilities, there have been spate of regulatory and profession reforms that are designed to restore confidence to OTOH the public and the profession. The concept of audit independence is being examined critically in respect of its relevance and contribution to the public interest. The impact of the expanded role include: Increased public scrutiny of the fees payable to and the independence of auditors; Increased opportunities for auditors and accountants to be involved in the management of businesses, with the increasing risks to independence, Increased government regulations and professional regulations regarding the tasks performed, quality control and scope of auditors work. Increased acceptance of the importance of auditor independence. What role does ASIA have in the regulation of auditors? We will write a custom essay sample on To Accompany specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on To Accompany specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on To Accompany specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer ASIA has a significant role in the regulation of auditors. ASIA is the statutory administrative body for the enforcement of the Corporations Act 2001. Government regulation is exercised through ACACIAS surveillance program Which involves the scrutiny of all aspects of the financial statements of listed and some non-listed Australian public companies. The Objective Of this surveillance program is supplemented by an auditors review program and a liquidators review program. ASIA has the following powers and influence over the regulation of auditors: Registration by individuals, firms and companies as auditors; The audit inspection program enforced by the ASIA which covers the auditor rotation program, the policies and work practices of auditors; and Audit independence issues. This statutory body also has the power to impose a penalty on registered auditor or liquidator if he/she is found to be guilty of failing to discharge duties properly. It the auditor is deemed to be not a tit and proper person, his/her registration can be cancelled or suspended, such as bankruptcy, What are the different types of audit activities that an auditor may perform? Discuss. Audits are generally classified into different types of activities ? Financial statement, compliance, performance, comprehensive and environmental audits, Auditors may also be performing internal audit as an assurance engagement. The objective of a financial statement audit is to enable the auditor to express an opinion as to Whether the financial Statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework. The financial statement audit involves obtaining and evaluating evidence about n entitys financial affairs so as to establish the degree of correspondence between the managements assertions and the established criteria, such as legal requirements and accounting standards. This type of audit is performed by independent auditors appointed by the shareholders of the company, or by equivalent proprietors of non-incorporated entities whose statements are being audited. Auditors must be qualified and able to exercise their skills in an independent and objective manner. The nature and extent of the audit examination are provided in Part MM. 3, Division 3, Audit and Auditors Report, of he Corporations Act. A compliance audit involves obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether certain financial or operating activities of an entity conform to specified conditions, rules or regulations, The established criteria in this type of audit may come from a variety of sources. Management, for example, may prescribe policies (or rules) pertaining to overtime work, participation in a superannuation plan, and conflict of interests. Compliance audits based on criteria established by management may be undertaken often during the year. Business enterprises, to-for-profit organizations, government units and individuals are required to prove compliance With many regulations. In many instances, the audit opinion issued under the requirements of the Corporations Act has elements of a compliance audit, where the auditor is required to express an opinion on the companys compliance with the provisions of the Corporations Act. Corporate and individual taxpayers comply With the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cloth), as amended, in filling out their annual tax returns. In the public sector, the term regularity audit is used to denote an examination hat reports on the legality and control of operations and the integrity photoset dealing with public funds, including the expression of an opinion on an entitys compliance with statutory requirements, rules, ordinances or directives that govern its activities. A performance audit is an audit of all or part of an entitys or entities activities to assess economy and/or technical and/or effectiveness. It involves obtaining and evaluating evidence about the efficiency, economy and effectiveness of an entice/s operating activities in relation to specified objectives. This type of audit activity can be undertaken in the private or public sector, by an internal or external auditor, or as an one-off project or an ongoing engagement. Sometimes performance audit may also be referred to as a value-for-money (VPN), operational or management audit. The term performance audit is usually applied in the public sector, with some application in the private sector; the other terms are common to both private and public sectors. The Australian National Audit Office (NANA) defines a performance audit as: an independent and systematic examination of an organization, program or function for the purposes f: ; forming an opinion about: whether the organization, program or function is being managed in an economical, efficient and effective manner; and the adequacy Of internal procedures for promoting and monitoring economy, efficiency and effectiveness; and ; suggesting ways by Which management practices, including procedures for monitoring performance, might be improved. Comprehensive auditing occurs when an auditor undertakes a range of audit and related services for a client -? a scenario that is more common in the public sector. A comprehensive audit encompasses the elements of a financial tenement audit, a compliance audit and a performance audit. Environmental matters may have an impact on the financial statements. Some examples of environmental matters affecting financial statement accruals, the impairment of assets, disclosures or the basis of preparation include: ; a pollution prevention system, of which the cost may be accrued for remediation costs ; liability relating to transportation of, or contamination by, hazardous waste ; the obsolescence of inventory due to environmental laws and regulations. Auditors are required to carry out their environmental audit with an attitude f professional skepticism, recognizing that the audit may reveal conditions and events that would lead to questioning whether the entity is complying With relevant environmental laws and regulations. The environmental audit is a recent trend and normally involves a review or an agreed-upon procedures engagement Internal audit is defined as an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organizations operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, ND governance processes. How does the profession/government ensure that external company audits are performed at an appropriate level of quality? Every profession is concerned about the quality of its services, and the public accounting profession is no exception. Quality audits are essential to ensure that the profession meets its responsibilities to clients, to the general public and to regulators who rely on independent auditors to maintain the credibility of financial information. To help assure quality audits, the profession and the regulators have developed a multilevel regulatory framework. This framework encompasses many of the activities of the private and public sector organizations associated with the profession. For the purpose of describing the framework, these activities may be organized as follows: ;Standard setting: The JABS issues Standards, Guidance Notes and other guidance to provide clear standards for auditing and assurance services, and for review and Other related services. The professional bodies and AFC issue ethical codes to establish and monitor the performance Of professionalism and ethical behavior Of professional accountants. ; Firm regulation: Each public practice entity adopts policies and reoccurred to ensure that practicing accountants adhere to professional standards. Self- or peer regulation: The accounting profession has implemented a comprehensive program of self. Regulation (including mandatory continuing professional education) and a program of quality control and practice reviews. ; Government regulation: The FRR, ASIA and CALEB, along with the courts, courts monitor and regulate auditor independence and conduct. The quality control standards help firms to achieve quality practice at firm and individual levels, The quality control standards include: Miscellaneous professional statements (Pass); APPEASE regarding conformity with auditing and assurance standards; and ASSAYS (ISAACS) which identifies the responsibilities of an engagement partner and engagement team in an audit engagement. Brim regulation involves with the implementation of a system of quality control within firms. They typically include elements such as leadership responsibilities, ethical requirements, systems in acceptance and continuance of client relationships, proper allocation of human resources, control of engagement performance and monitoring and quality reviews. On the Other hand, self-regulation is imposed by the professional bodies using artifice of practice, continuing professional education requirements, and reviews. In addition to these, the government practices overall surveillance through ASIA, with reference to the registration and monitoring of auditors by the CALEB. Â  Lindsey L] used the following sentence in the 1895 London and General Bank case. How would you describe the relevance of the auditors role in present times? His business is to ascertain and state the true financial position of the at the time of the audit, and his duty is confined to that.. Rayon The role of the auditor has changed considerably since the time of the London ND General Bank case. These changes have been brought about by changes in statute and common law and by changes in community attitudes and expectations. The auditors role is still very relevant in terms of adding credibility to financial statements. Nowadays, auditors also offering a broader range of assurance services to satisfy the information needs of doffs users of financial information. Examples of this broader range of services include performance audits and environmental audits. 1. Discuss the different types of assurance which may be obtained in an assurance engagement. Reasonable assurance engagement: The objective of a reasonable assurance engagement is to reduce the assurance engagement risk to an acceptably low level, With the aim to arrive at a positive form of expression of conclusion. Limited assurance engagement: Limited assurance engagement aims to reduce the assurance engagement risk to a level that is acceptable in the circumstances of the engagement but where that risk is greater than for a reasonable assurance engagement, as the basis for a negative form of expression of opinion. What are the limitations, if any, off financial statement audit? A financial statement audit is performed in accordance with AS 200 Objective and General Principles Governing an Audit of a Financial Report. There are inherent limitations in any audit. These limitations include the use of testing, reliance on internal control structures, the possibility of collusion and the tact that most audit evidence is persuasive rather than conclusive. Regardless of the type of audit, a professional subjective judgment will be used in gathering and evaluating evidences and forming the relevant conclusion. These inherent limitations also mean that the auditor cannot achieve a zero engagement risk. Therefore, an absolute assurance is not possible in a financial report audit. An enhancing role Of auditors has developed where the audit expertise is used widely to assist the clients needs. What are your views concerning the role described, with particular reference to the appearance of audit independence? The enhancing role described is a logical extension of the auditors traditional role, in order to meet the changing expectations of users of financial statements in recent years. Auditing has also progressed from a compliance role to a value- adding role to management and business. Along with increasing competition among firms and cost}efficiency pressure, auditors often provide consulting services to audit clients. Hence there is a blurring or relationship with clients. The public confidence of audit independence had been in decline as a result of high profile corporate and audit failures, partly due to the wide range of services that were performed by the auditors involved in these cases, and partly due to the lack of effective corporate governance. However, legislators, the profession and the audit firms all have been working hard to push for reform to restore inference, independence and integrity to the profession. Recent examples of significant reform to audit independence are The enactment of Serbians-Solely Act in US; Big Pour Firms such as KEMP and Presumptuousnesss have separated their management consulting and assurance services by selling their consultancy arm to a third party; and A mandatory cooling Off period for retiring partners joining the board of their audit clients and a mandatory rotation of engagement partners. What is meant by a comprehensive audit? Should a comprehensive audit be carried out by an independent auditor? A comprehensive audit encompasses the elements of a financial report audit, a compliance audit and a performance audit. It is most commonly undertaken in the public sector through the office of the Auditor General, A comprehensive audit would normally be carried out by an independent auditor, in either the public sector or the private sector. I . 0 How do you think the corporate collapses have influenced the role of auditing in recent years? The corporate collapses in US and Australia have had a fundamental impact to the role of auditing in recent years. Recent events have led closer public scrutiny n the role of the auditor, the audit independence and the methodology on how an audit is carrying out. That is, there is greater understanding the expectation gap between the public and the auditing profession and the acknowledgement by the profession that it needs to reduce this gap. Significant steps hue been made to influence the enhancing role of auditor to that of a convergence role, Which emphasizes the following: A clear Objective to enhance and maintain the integrity of the profession; Clearly address the auditor interest to the public is as important as to the client, such as safeguarding independence by eliminating ample relationship with audit clients (i. E. Omit to audit only); Reiterate ethical governance; A clear distinction of audit and non-audit engagements carried out by auditor, this leads to legislation and self regulation being established to a ban on certain non-audit services for audit clients; Stronger regulation on auditors and audit firms as well as tougher enforcement on non-compliance; Return to a more rigorous audit of substantive matters, rather than limit to the testing of internal controls; Increasing the forensic nature of audit and stronger awareness of report fraud; Relate audit risks to business risk Professional application questions Audit objectives Required Discuss the current changes in the objectives of auditing, identifying the expanded roles of professional accountants and some of the reasons attributable to the changes. The traditional audit role was a conformance role. Audits focused on finding errors in balance sheet accounts and on stemming the growth Of fraud. The detection of fraud had a very important emphasis. As companies began to grow and become more complex during the nineteenth century, the detection Of fraud came an unrealistic objective although was still generally perceived as one of the main objectives of a financial report audit. The difference in perception of responsibilities and reality were addressed in the case of Kingston Cotton Mill co(1896) 2 Chi. 0279. Lopes, L] said of auditors: He is a watchdog, but not a bloodhound. Elf there is anything calculated to excite suspicion, he should probe it to the bottom but, in the absence of anything of that kind, he is only bound to be reasonably cautious and careful This effectively stated that it is impossible to detect all fraud as part of the audit. Auditing standards place the following requirements on auditors: The auditor should plan the audit to have a reasonable expectation of detecting material misstatements that have a material impact on the financial report (ii not all fraud). The auditor should report any irregularities (including fraud) even if the effect on the financial report is expected to be immaterial. In conclusion, the primary Objective Of an audit is to express an opinion as to whether the financial report is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance With an identified financial reporting framework. The Objective to detect fraud is n the context of the auditors opinion. Also in recent years, the role of the auditor has expanded to meet the changing expectations of users of financial statements. This expanded role is evidenced by the wide range of assurance services now offered by auditors. 1. 2 Independence Based on the series of accounting crisis and corporate collapses in the early sass, discuss the importance of maintaining independence by an auditor. Audit Independence is the cornerstone of auditing. Independence is the essence that underlies the success and credibility of the accounting profession and its service to the public. Maintaining independence allows the auditing and accounting profession to be self-regulated, a highly prestigious character, This objectivity permits the profession to perform its attestation and monitoring functions effectively. Independence is also a key component of the agency theory of auditing. In the management shareholder agency relationship it is important that the monitoring function (audit) is and is seen to be separate from management, for it to be a ;value added service. I . 3 Standard setting a. Comment on an auditors ability and methods in attesting the credibility of uncial statements prepared by the governing party of an organization. Due to formal training and experience, the auditor has the ability, credibility and authority under Corporations Law, to undertake attestation of financial statements. At minimum, an auditor who carries out an audit must be a current registered member of CPA Australia and ACACIA. In accordance with the requirements laid down in the various Auditing Standards, the auditor plans the nature, timing and extent of procedures to be followed to arrive at a positive expression of an opinion under the requirements of AS 200 and AS 220. B. Explain what type of assurance an auditor should provide in a financial statements audit. A financial statements audit is one that expresses an opinion on written assertions and thus the audit level of assurance is expressed as a positive opinion. The financial statement audit provide a reasonable level Of assurance which enhances the credibility of the information provided by the party responsible for the matter, such as in the audit report on financial statements under the Corporations Act 2001. While the assurance of the financial statement audit is objective, it is subject to a number of inherent limitations. Some of these limitations include time lapse, audit testing based on selective samples, a subjective assessment of materiality, and that where there are highly specialized areas, the auditors may need to seek external advice regarding the subject matter being audited. 1. 4 Regulatory trademark a) One component of this framework is the oversight ability of the FRR, Identify the type of work that is performed by the FRR which aims to enhance the quality and independence of professional services Section 225 of the Corporate Law Economic Reform Program Act egg lists the function of the FRR. They include: Â  Overseeing the setting of accounting standards in Australia; Â  Appointing members of the AAAS other than the chair; Â  Giving directions to the SAAB on matters of general policy and procedures; Monitoring the operation of accounting standards to assess their continued relevance and effectiveness in achieving their objectives; Â  Monitoring the effectiveness of auditor independence requirements in Australia; Â  Reporting to the minister and giving advice about continuing Steps to enhance auditor independence; and Monitoring disciplinary procedures of accounting bodies.

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